The 5 ways that Facebook has turned YOU into a marketer

Tracy Marlowe  |  September 4, 2014

marketing your facebook brandWith more than 1.3 billion users, there's no wonder that Facebook has changed the way we view the world.  But have you ever considered the idea that Facebook has turned you into a marketer? Keenly managing your Facebook brand?

"A marketer of what?" you might ask.

That's easy. Of yourself!

Here are the five ways that Facebook has turned the average person into a marketer, no matter what your occupation.

1. You conducted market research before you dipped your toe in.

Even the most outgoing people tend to lurk (you know, snoop about Facebook and watch people, see who aged well and who did not, what that guy you went out with Freshman year ever made of know...lurk!) for a while before they dip their toe into ever liking or commenting. Just like any astute marketer, you had to know your marketplace before going to market.

What is acceptable language? What do people respond well to? What do they NOT respond well to? What other products...ahem...people are on the  market? Who is the market leader (has the most likes)? Why do people buy their product (i.e. like/comment on their posts)?

2.  You know your SWOT Analysis backward and forwards.

Your what analysis? SWOT Analysis, or Strengths, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats Analysis, is the backbone of any good marketing plan. Every good marketer knows where the muscle is in their product or service just as well as she knows her Achilles' heel.  She also takes a long hard look at the marketplace to identify any opportunities she may not have taken advantage of and any immediate or long-term threats to her marketing goals.

Facebook you x Real youSo come on....what do you put forward when you post on Facebook? When you come home from your week-long vacation with your kids, do you post about your kids throwing up in the back of the van on the way home? Do you post about how your son fell in the pool and you had to jump in with all your clothes on to save him?

Heck no! You post sunset photos of your sandy toes in front of an amazing beach scene, painting the picture of you on the beach with a magazine in one hand, an umbrella drink in the other hand, relaxed and listening to the sounds of the surf while away the hours before your massage.

Do you happen to mention that you only had about 30 seconds to capture that shot before a seagull pooped on your head and forgot to put sunscreen on your bottom because you hadn't imagined it would really get THAT much sun that day?

No, you didn't mention that. Not any more than the posh resort with their lush photos of a beachside infinity pool edged by empty chairs waiting for your arrival mentions that your chances of actually getting one of those chairs is only 1 in 100, and only then if you get up at 7am and come out and put your towels, sunscreen and flip flops by them in disarray to create the look that you just went to the bathroom but will likely be back at any minute.

Yes, my dear. You know how to put your best foot forward and leverage a good opportunity on Facebook, just like any good marketer.

3.  Your competitive analysis never ends.

Any savvy marketer will tell you that while they always have one eye on the goal, they keep the other eye sharply one what their competitors are doing. (That's why marketers often have a wild look in their eyes, much like your crazy Uncle Ralph).

You know and I know that what skills you honed during your early lurking days (a.k.a. market research). You have done a pretty good job of keeping those sharp.  You have to stay on top what what the competition....uh, I mean, friends are doing, right?

4.  You strive to carve out your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). Differentiate, differentiate, differentiate!

Any good brand knows that you can't just play the "me too" game. If you're JUST like your competition, you won't get anyone's attention.

So what makes you different and unique? Are you funny? (Dos Equis beer guy) Quirky? (Target) Sporty? (Nike) Earthy? (Whole Foods) What's your brand persona?

I'm sure right now you are scrolling through the Facebook friend Rolodex in your mind and pondering who is playing what character. You know they do it. So how are YOU differentiating yourself?

5.  You know by now that dogs, babies and sex sell.

facebook-babyWhy, why, why must we humans be so predictable?

We marketing and advertising folks hate it. We strive to come up with creative, clever concepts that will help illustrate a brand's USP, leverage the SWOT, and get a leg up on the competition. But at the end of the day, some blowhard with a baby ad ends up selling more widgets. Widgets that have NOTHING to do with babies, by the way.

It stinks but it happens. In national advertising. And on Facebook.

It's a lame and an easy fall-back. The folks on Madison Avenue know it, and every person with a Facebook profile knows it.

But that shouldn't stop you from being a true marketer and trying like heck to differentiate yourself. Find your true brand persona and be MORE than your baby, dog and sexy selfie photo. Be unique! Be you!

Okay, now I'm done with my rant and off to go take photos of my new puppy and post them on Facebook! (Sorry, sometimes even we "real" marketers can't help by reap the rewards of low hanging fruit!)

By Tracy Marlowe

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