
Can you ever stop branding?

Tracy Marlowe  |  May 22, 2009
At a meeting the other day, Tracy and I were asked a question we had never really been asked before. "So, when can we stop 'branding'?" the client asked. This particular client had really stepped out of its comfort zone and ramped up branding efforts in order to make its public persona match the incredible […]

Sometimes Marketing Cracks Me Up.

Tracy Marlowe  |  May 4, 2009
I was driving my kids to school this morning when I happened to reach for a piece of paper (ie. gum disposal) in my console. My hand came back with a discarded receipt from a well known big box drugstore. I noticed the top of the receipt said "I'm Gerry. Thank you for allowing me […]

Who should we "be" when we participate in social media?

Tracy Marlowe  |  April 21, 2009
Another great post from well known social media strategist Chris Brogan today on who we should "be" as companies when we are working to develop a social media presence and connect with our audience (or potential audience).  I found it very thought provoking.  At Creative Noggin, we're pretty much of the mindset that it definitely […]

Five Key Elements to Good SEO

Tracy Marlowe  |  April 20, 2009
With Internet Marketing getting everyone buzzing these days, a term that gets thrown around quite a bit is SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  You'll see it in business articles, in blogs, hear about it in coffee shops and from your Bluehat Marketing partners. I've spent the last year really delving deep into the world of SEO, […]

Social Media and Marketing 101 for Business--What you need to know to get started

Tracy Marlowe  |  April 14, 2009
I just realized the other day that, while I've been steamrolling ahead, embracing social media and marketing, learning all that I can and putting those learnings into practice for our clients, a great deal of the business world is still at square one. At a meeting last week, a client asked "I've been hearing about this […]

Five Guiding Principles for Marketers in an Economic Downturn

Tracy Marlowe  |  April 9, 2009
It's interesting in this economic downturn to hear the words of wisdom that so many are spouting.  Although, we're finding that it can be hard to know who to really trust since this is a time unlike any we have known in our history.  Marketing guru Mike Linton, a multi-disciplinary, multi-industry CMO who has worked […]

How to use Social Media for Marketing--Tactfully!

Tracy Marlowe  |  April 6, 2009
Chris Brogan, oh guru of social marketing, has posted a great article about how to utilize the social mediasphere to promote your business to your target market without alienating yourself at the same time.  There's a delicate balance that must be established. A foundation of trust that must be first laid out.  Then carefully sharing ideas […]

What's your website's Alexa ranking?

Tracy Marlowe  |  March 11, 2009
Ever wondered where your website stands in comparison to your competition?  It's fairly easy to find out.  Just go to the website  Alexa provides website information--the most informative being what your website's ranking is on the WWW.  Just enter your website address into the search field at the top and, presto, the search results […]

San Antonio Social Media Breakfast

Tracy Marlowe  |  February 18, 2009
This morning I attended the second monthly Social Media Breakfast, hosted this time by Apple Annie's Tea Room.  I am so glad that my friend Colleen Pence turned me on to these breakfasts.  What an amazing group of people!  I was really blown away by the collective intelligence in that room.  It included a wealth […]

Branding as we know it is not dead

Tracy Marlowe  |  February 16, 2009
Yes, I know that I just finished going on and on about the shift away from traditional advertising and branding to a more direct and engaged approach through inbound Internet marketing.  And I haven't changed my mind! The point is, though, that although we are beginning to see an wider integration of internet marketing as […]
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